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3 Steps to turn a bath into a Magical Ritual
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3 Steps to turn a bath into a Magical Ritual

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You may associate the word ritual with religions or sects, but, according to Merriam-Webster, a ritual is defined as “a ceremonial act or action; an act or series of acts regularly repeated in a set precise manner.”  Under this definition, and with the right intention, you can create daily rituals that can have a tremendous positive influence in your life. Or, as we like to call it, to bring a bit of magic to your day.
Bathing has been used for centuries to heal, cure, and connect. You don’t need a fancy spa with numerous showers to reap the benefits of hydrotherapy (water therapy). Ritual bathing is both a beautify and a health treatment that can calm, revive, cleanse, hydrate, soften, inspire, relax, detox… and so much more. The necessary components are simple; namely a bathtub, warm water, and time. But not all baths have the benefits of a bathing ritual.   
Here are 3 critical components to transform an ordinary bath into a meaningful and impactful ritual:
1. Create the space

Turn off artificial lights and opt for candles instead. You may also choose to burn some incense to heighten the senses and help calm the mind.  We recommend the purifying white sage or the uplifting Palo Santo.

2. Add the right ingredients

Moonergy bath bombs and teas make it super easy to harness the power of the moon by simply enjoying a bath. Our carefully calibrated handmade products provide all the ingredients that can transform your bath into a healing sanctuary. You may also use essential oils or flower petals for a DIY ritual. But note, herbs and oils have different effects, so be sure to do your research first so that you pick the right ones.

3. Set your intention

In addition to knowing your moon, creating the space and using the right ingredients, it is imperative that you have an intention. To be present and set your heart and mind on a cohesive goal. Our labels clearly give you a guide on what to focus on during each lunar phase. For example, the brightness of a full moon is conducive to the contemplation of external factors and the darkness of the New Moon to introspection. Use your bath as a tool to help you focus on this objective and mediate on it. Realizations will be made so have a pen and journal handy
to jot down any notes.

Let the moon be your guide.