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Our Mother Moon
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Our Mother Moon

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In ancient and modern cultures around the world, the Moon has always been a symbol of femininity.

It is the star that governs water, the fundamental element of emotions, which represent receptivity, empathy, and vulnerability. Female energy is linked to emotional dynamics and fluidity. If you haven’t noticed it yet, there’s a natural cycle: the moon controls water, whose movement represents our emotions and emotions are linked to feminine energy, like the moon.

Synching our natural cycles with lunar energy allows us to flow better, particularly when it comes to creation, which is naturally associated with motherhood.

Motherly behaviors such as unconditional love and the desire to protect are things that we can and should apply not only with our children but with other aspects of life such as friendships, relationships, and projects (both professional and not).

Similarly, connecting with the moon means connecting with creation and infinite containment. This is helpful not just to bring light into the world in the form of new life, but also our own purpose, talents, and mission.


Synching to Heal

Every single one of us, from the moment we’re born, comes to this world with psychological, emotional and mental challenges to solve. Synchronizing our energy with the moon supports us in this healing, especially when it comes to those things that are associated with feminine energy (i.e., emotions.)

At Moonergy, we are inspired by the moon as a source of divine energy that leads us to our innermost self, heals our wounds and also helps us achieve our natural potential.

In May, the month in which we celebrate Motherhood, remember this mantra:   

I live consciously. I came to fullness.